The Eve agent platform is meant for general purpose computing. It allows any software project to leverage the added power of an agent based design. These benefits range from better robustness, scalability, interoperability and ease of software maintenance.
A example of the possible application scenarios in which Eve can offer distinct benefits is given below:
Easily set up an agent platform The basic purpose is of course to set up a (scalable) agent platform, containing your own agents and functionality. Eve aims to make it easy to set up the platform.
Large scale simulations Eve can be used to set up a large simulation environment, making use of the scalability and options for parallel and asynchronous processing.
Wrapping existing services. Web services can be made available for software agents by creating a simple wrapper agent for the web services. For example a GoogleDirectionsAgent which just uses the existing web services of Google and makes this information service available for all Eve agents.
Linking software systems together Existing software systems can be linked to the world of software agents by creating wrapper agents for the systems. This way it is possible to link completely separated software systems together via agents, even when the software systems are developed in different development environments or are deployed on different locations.
Abstraction layer Eve can be used as an abstraction to link different services acting on the same domain together. For example one can abstract from different calendaring systems by creating agents having the same interface but linked to a different calendaring system (Gmail, Exchange, iCal, ... ).